Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category


January 31, 2009

I’m so excited to to announce I have a new blog!  It’s custom built by a friend and I’m so happy with it!

So without further adue  follow the CLICK



January 20, 2009


Just when you think you’ll have a nice uneventful month, you have more things to do now then in the middle of wedding season.  January has been so busy.  I have tons of things to post, which is turning out to be difficult to find the time to post.  But I digress.  Cody, my lovely husband bought me a holga for Christmas.  From first glance you might think what on earth would anyone want a plastic camera with only two options of F-stop?!  Well that’s just the beauty of it, you never know what your going to get.  And it’s film, so there that beautiful nostalgia too.   I love my holga.  I’m still learning the focus part.  You really have to pay attention to where you are in relation to the subject.  But if it’s not in perfect focus who cares!?  It’s a holga!




A holga can give even the most ordinary thing such a mystical quality.

Last of the flowers

December 17, 2008


The last of the flowers from summer have wilted and gone.  Oh I miss flowering plants in the winter.  At least there’s a fresh blanket of snow on the ground to make everything feel like Christmas.

Happy Holidays everyone!

eye candy

December 2, 2008


for late monday night


November 18, 2008


Not that I have anything better to do then go through old photos, but I found this one.  I just love film has so much character, without even trying.  Sure you can add texture and what not in Photoshop, but is it really the same?  Personally, not even close, not even in the same league.  I love the authenticity of film, the edge it gives to something.

I’d love to hear other opinions though.  How about the techie people!?  Nate I know you have a opinion on this.

An Adventure

July 21, 2008

I’ve come to the conclusion that camping is ALWAYS an adventure. If you have a walk-in camp site booked, it is suggested that you get there before dark. It’s much easier to find the camp site. We however, thought why take the easy route, let’s get there after dark!  Our friends Alan and Erica and us went camping way up in the mountains last weekend. It was a ton of fun, I personally froze my butt off at night when the temp dipped below 35 degrees. Another suggestion, if you’re planning on camping in the mountains, any time of year, have a sleeping bag rated to go below 30. Why do I think of these things AFTER the fact?

I decided to take film and my K1000 for fun, instead of the big digital. I love that little camera. It is so light and the 50mm/1.4 lens is soooooo amazing. I just wish I could use that lens on my digital. I think for all personal photos I’m taking film from now on. I loved not having to edit these! I have enough editing to deal with! The film I used was fujifilm. I love this film, the colors are so creamy and soft! The first couple I took have an almost 1970’s feel to them because the camera was set to 400 ISO and the film was 200, opps. But I love the outcome of that opps. You can’t get that out of a digital, at least not without a lot of photoshop.

The four crazies that took an adventure.